Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Space Invader Stops Wildfires

Being that all of Southern California is currently on fire, I thought it apropoe(sp.) to feature someone whose work is fire resistant. Yep, you guessed it, I am talking about the Parisian street artist Space Invader.

For those of you readers who may have been here before, you may remember an earlier post in which I featured this same fellow. This second piece is not only within the same universe (Los Angeles) but they inhabit the same galaxy (Silver Lake). As I mentioned in the earlier post, I am way into the fact that Space Invader’s art (8-bit monsters) is engaged with it’s medium (tile squares). Not only that, but he seems to have found a way to make his street art as near permanent as possible (being that if you paint over it, it remains and to remove it, you need a hammer and chisel).

Ok, well I have gotten my fill of parenthesis and I hope you have 2.

Location: On the northwest corner of Sunset and Hyperion in Silver Lake

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